Inca de la inceputul negocierilor pentru controversata achizitie a navelor din clasa Mistral de catre Rusia, a caror destinatie declarata era Flota Pacificului, se discuta posibilitatea ca una din primele doua nave sa fie trimisa de fapt in Marea Neagra.
O scurta cronologie a ultimelor declaratii in legatura cu prezenta Mistral in Marea Neagra:
27 Martie: “There are no corrections to the earlier plans to deploy the Mistral-class helicopter carriers with the Pacific Fleet. No decisions to deploy these vessels in Black Sea have been made,” Interfax news agency quoted a Navy’s representative as saying. (Sursa:
13 Mai: “A Mistral-type dock helicopter carrier may enter the Russian Black Sea Fleet, the fleet’s Commander Admiral Alexander Vitko told reporters on Tuesday.” (Sursa: Interfax)
28 Iunie: “The Russian Navy denies one of the two helicopter carriers of the Mistral class, being built for Russian in France, The Sevastopol, will be based in the same-name harbour in Crimea on the Black Sea“. (Sursa: Itar-Tass)
9 Iulie: “The only purpose for deploying a Mistral class ship to the Black Sea would be as a command ship for Mediterranean operations” (Sursa: