M1117 bulgar – Sursa: Wikipedia.org
Bulgaria se va dota cu inca 10 vehicule blindate M1117 Guardian ASV produse de Textron Systems, care se vor adauga celor 7 aflate deja in serviciu.
Este neclar daca e vorba de o achizitie sau de o donatie, lucrurile variind in functie de sursa:
Daca Jane’s spune, oarecum interpretabil, ca: “The US Foreign Military Sales contract also includes the supply to Bulgaria of related fielding hardware and technical services.”
Ambasada SUA din Bulgaria afirma insa altceva: “At the request of the Bulgarian side, the U.S. will provide 10 Textron Guardian vehicles for the Bulgarian military contingent in Afghanistan, which will be delivered to the troops in Afghanistan in the second half of 2014. The donation includes nine Guardian troop-carrying vehicles and an ambulance at a total cost of USD 25.6 M.” … “Bulgarian experts will be responsible for the service and maintenance of the donated equipment without the need for additional financial resources from the Ministry of Defense budget.”
Au dat vecinii de la Sud de Dunare de bani pentru inarmare sau sint si ei doar niste cersetori care isi asteapta randul la o supa calda?
Sau poate nici una, nici alta: “The armoured personnel vehicles will be used in the NATO mission Resolute Support in Afghanistan. Earlier this week Bulgaria’s government decided to terminate the country’s participation in the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) operation and send 110 members of Bulgaria’s armed forces to take part in Resolute Support.” (Sursa: infobalkans.com)
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