Archive for October 22nd, 2015


Un articol din 2013 ce trata viitorul USMC dar care prin implicatii atingea subiectul restructurarii celorlalte forte, a atras o dezbatere foarte interesanta, mai ales prin faptul ca ideile pe baza carora a fost conceput par a castiga aderenti si in alte parti.

Articolul intitulat Can the Marines Survive? scris de Lt. Col. Lloyd Freeman fost publicat de, unde poate fi citit in intregime; mai jos sint doar cateva fragmente, mai mult sau mai putin esentiale:

Our surveillance capabilities allow us to sense everything on the battlefield. Any sizable vehicle formation, or single vehicle for that matter, can be destroyed with the click of a button half a world away. On today’s battlefield, movement means death.

The Marines are a door-kicking service, designed to breach enemy territory and establish an entry point for the Army’s strategic land capability. But the U.S. military’s development of unmanned aircraft, combined with stealth technology and unmatched ISR capability, makes it almost impossible for an enemy today to significantly impede the landing of U.S. forces on a beach or at a port. Forcible entry no longer requires landing forces — it takes precision strikes, coordinated by special operations forces as needed.
