Archive for September 5th, 2017

Vinerea virtuala

Cateva fragmente dintr-un articol care poate fi citit pe larg pe POLITICO:

The U.S. Army’s rapid reaction force in Europe is underequipped, undermanned and inadequately organized to confront military aggression from Russia or its high-tech proxies, according to an internal study that some who have read it view as a wake-up call as the Trump administration seeks to deter an emboldened Vladimir Putin.

The 173rd Airborne Brigade, based in Vicenza, Italy, parachuted into Iraq in the early days of the 2003 U.S.-led invasion and saw intense combat in Afghanistan. Although its roughly 4,000 soldiers would be no match for a Russian assault on Europe on their own, the 173rd is considered a primary element in deterring Moscow from threatening NATO’s borders — particularly since the departure of two U.S. Army tank brigades from Germany was completed in 2013.

Some of the problems the report identifies have low-tech solutions that the Army could implement relatively easily. Amazingly, camouflage nets to hide vehicles from enemy helicopters or drones are “hard-to-find luxuries for tactical units.”

The report also calls for the brigade to be equipped with a small contingent of light tanks, which would offer much-needed protection to forward scouts against Russian anti-armor missiles.

To better protect against jamming and spoofing and go on the offensive against enemy drones, the brigade and other Europe-based units have recently bought off-the-shelf commercial systems, and a more capable Army system is scheduled to come online in 2023 — but the report says the 173rd needs better jamming gear sooner than that, along with 10 small teams of electronic warfare specialists to use it.

Meanwhile, according to a military source who spoke with POLITICO, a sister unit from the 2nd Cavalry Regiment in Poland has had to depend on Romanian troops to operate short-range anti-aircraft guns.


Ganduri, opinii, comentarii:

1. Nu stiu unde am mai auzit de plase de camuflaj. Interesant.
2. Da, parasutistii cercetasi vor tancuri usoare. Cei americani, desigur.
3. EW e un domeniu in care i-am egalat pe americani: stam la fel de prost, dupa masura fiecaruia. Solutiile comerciale nu sint solutii, nu ca ar fi fost prea multa activitate chiar si numai pe baza de pdf-uri. O tara de ingineri electronisti (zica-se) – IT-isti, soft-isti, telecomunisti – nu reuseste mai nimic intr-un domeniu critic. Sad.
4. Macar Oerlikonul romanesc a fost notat. Ar fi fost frumos sa nu “ajutam” o unitate de cavalerie cu un sistem semi-mobil (adica doar transportabil) dar macar ei recunosc ca au coborat standardul pentru ca altceva n-aveau. Noi inca nu recunoastem.