Cercetare de moda noua – Sursa: onr.navy.mil
USMCii ar vrea sa inlocuiasca LAV-urile 25 de la Cercetare cu ceva mai musculos si au deschis un concurs de idei, deocamdata sub forma de pdf-uri adica nu e garantat sa iasa nimic practic.
Totusi, interesanta viziunea lor asupra noului echilibru intre cercetare si lupta care daca se va realiza, va insemna mult mai mult decat un blindat nou.
Cele mai importante idei, cu cuvintele lor:
The Armored Reconnaissance Vehicle (ARV) is envisioned as a possible next generation replacement for the U.S. Marine Corps’ legacy Light Armored Vehicle (LAV) in support of the Light Armored Reconnaissance (LAR) battalions within the Marine Divisions.
Facing more modern threats, LAR Battalions will have to fight for information prior to being able to provide it and will have to shape an increasingly complex battlespace. LAR Battalions will operate in highly contested environments, countering threats that have greater reach and lethality. Next generation armored reconnaissance will require multiple and resilient means to sense and communicate, more capable lethality options to destroy heavily armored threats close- in and at range, and an associated enhanced protection posture to counter those threats.