Luftwaffe testeaza radare pasive

TwInvis - Sursa:

TwInvis – Sursa:

For the week-long test — company officials declined to give a precise date — Hensoldt will set up three passive radar receivers in the Munich area and one roughly 70 miles west, near the city of Ulm. The four sensors will allow air traffic tracking in a radius reaching north to Frankfurt in central Germany, but also include parts of Austria and Italy in the south and west, and parts of the Czech Republic in the northeast, according to the company.

“The sensors will see both the small Cessna at 500 feet, as well as the commercial airliner at 45,000 feet, or any Eurofighter in between,” Hensoldt passive radar chief Frank Bernhardt said in an interview.

TwInvis - Sursa:

TwInvis – Sursa:

Il vrei la Steaua?

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8 Responses to “Luftwaffe testeaza radare pasive”

  1. Ilie says:

    Nasol acolo unde de ai aerul incarcat cu spectru precum in germania.
    Daca imi aduc bine aminte si englezii realizeasera ceva similar folosind antenele de telefonie mobila, in special in zone urbane unde densitatea este mare.

  2. Mack says:

    Pare foarte ce post sa joace ?

    • admin says:

      Libero. Cand fundasii iti sint trimisi dupa seminte de EW, e bine sa ai un jucator in plus. Nu stim cat de precis e, e posibil sa fie destul de precis pentru a furniza solutia de tragere unei rachete auto-ghidate IR/RF. Banuiesc ca se va vedea dupa testele germane, daca e suficient de bun, va fi transferat in echipa Luftwaffe. Asa-i cand ai academia ta de copii.

  3. gabitzu says:

    Nemtii aveau asa ceva in WW2, se foloseau chiar de emisiile radrelor englezesti, nu mai stiu cum ii zicea sistemului, ca sa pun un link.

  4. xv says:

    Si francezii au avut, RIAS