Un punct de vedere despre OMBT-Leo2

Ce zice EDA:

The system works as follows: surplus ‘Leopard’ platforms available in certain Member States (the ‘providers’) are leased/rented them for a defined period of time to one or several other interested Member States (the ‘receivers’).

At the end of the transfer period, the MBTs can either be returned to the providers (for further use or subsequent sale to third parties) or be sold to the receivers. The Pooling & Sharing of training, exercises and maintenance between providers and receivers, using already existing facilities complete the concept. This approach requires European industrial partners to be involved in support of its implementation.

Win-win situation

The benefits for all parties involved in this project are clear. For the ‘providers’, the lease/rent and/or sale of excess MBTs not only generates revenue but also helps to substantially cut down maintenance costs for spare assets and equipment. The ‘receivers’, on the other hand, get easy and rapid access to additional and modern tank capabilities, including the support and expertise (maintenance, training, industrial contacts, etc.). Finally, the ’upgraders’ benefit from considerable economies of scale resulting, compared to the costs of individual, national MBT upgrade programmes. Furthermore, MBT capability can be obtained faster through this scheme than through normal acquisition processes.
Sursa: eda.europa.eu

Pare sa fie vorba de un fel de leasing dar in fine… Ce ar putea sa mearga prost intr-o situatie win-win?

Un articol interesant atinge cateva potentiale probleme intr-o opinie ceva mai echilibrata pe subiect: EU tank arsenal with Leopard-2: An useful and realizable defense project for Europe? de Björn Müller

Deci cine plateste pentru modernizarea A7 si de ce?

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18 Responses to “Un punct de vedere despre OMBT-Leo2”

  1. nikk says:

    pai platesc prostii care intra in program.citeam ca pe polonezi ii costa 130 milioane modernizarea a 128 de a4 la standard leopard 2pl.iar bundeswehr da 118 milioane euro ptr 104 leo2(din care doar 68 a4 restul a6 si a7) la standard a7v.deci probabil upgrade ul de la a4 la a7 e vreo 1,5 mil/buc.si in caz de ceva isi aduc aminte ca sunt tancurile lor (tu le ai in leasing) si le vor inapoi.iar banii de modernizare ii vezi la pastele cailor.

    • gsg9 says:

      pai cred ca se screm cu strutzo-camila aia tank european cu sasiu de leo si turela leclerc, ori viceversa 😀

      de unde sa ia banii de tancuri noi?


  2. gsg9 says:

    So the concept of an EU arsenal with modernized Leopard-2 tanks could bring clear benefits for Europes territorial defense but its implementation is unrealistic.


  3. Ilie says:

    Pe sistem: Germania creste bugetul aparatii pana la 2%, dar incearca sa scoata niste bani de la perifericii care sunt mai aproape de Rusia.
    Sunt curios cum se defineste acel “surplus”. Ca pot zice nemtii ca lor nu le trebuie nici un tanc, pe model olandez.

  4. Marius Z. says:

    Referitor la stocurile de LEo2A4, dincolo de spanioli (care au mai fost refuzati de altii pe motiv de stare proasta), austrieci, greci si finlandezi, poate ar mai fi niste piste de explorat, mai ne-NATO:

    1. suedezii le-au dat pe ale lor la sosirea STRV122?
    2. Elvetienii: 380 2A4 / Pz 87, din care doar 134 modernizate si 42 revandute catre Rheinmetall

    Olandezii au avut peste 400… chiar toate s-au vandut?

    • Sweeper says:

      Bah Zgurene! de ce esti rasist, xenofob, iredentist si retrograd mah? Cum adica tigaile lu’ poporu’ frate spaniolez intru geanta latina este najpa mah?

      Da’ nu mai bine aducem noi totzi cocalarii acasa, ii dotam cu beamveuri cu volan pe dreapta inmatriculate pe Bulgaristan si dotate cu cate trei saci de azotat, doi pe rezervor si unu’ pe motor si ii trimitem in stil VBIED sa se lupte cu tancurili lu’ Vladutz?

      • Marius Z. says:

        Pai daca-i aduci acasa pe capsunari, nu pot si ei sa “imprumute” la plecare niste Leo cu clima bizonica, din alea care mai pornesc dupa 2-3 chei si sa faca institutul cultural roman din Spania o cheta sa stranga din comunitate niste bani de drum? 🙂
        Sa se dea si o inmatriculare in Bulgaristan la tot investitoru’ roman care se intoarce din Spania dupa ce a investit in utilaje 🙂

        • Sweeper says:

          Nu-i frate, ca taraboantele alea trag greu la cantar, haleste multa motorina, in plus, unde-i fitza? Daca-i zici la tzaranu’ din Gratia de Teleorman de Santa Barbara, te bate. Ori e beamveu, ori nimic. :p

    • gsg9 says:

      muedezele cica le’au inapoiat turcilor din germania

      As of 2013, 42 of these tanks remain in active service.[6] 😀 😀
      Most of the 160 Leopard 2 A4s (local designation Strv 121) that were originally leased are being returned to Germany

      huoooolandezele le’au dat pe toate minus 16 si dupa aia mai vroiau alte 18 in leasing 😀 😀

      On 15 September 2015, the Dutch government published that the army would have 16 tanks put out of storage and 18 were to be leased from Germany for a new tank squadron by 2016 as part of a German armoured battalion. One Leopard 2 tank is exhibited at the military museum.

      stai fara grije, ca nu ramane armata pacii fara vechituri modernizate luate in leasing

      numai sa vrea, si’i stim ce dornici sunt 😀

      nu 5 batalioane doua brigazi blindate gravide cum se viseaza, alea’s povesti din ciclul 48 F16 si 4 corvete multirol

      or gasi 30-40 de rable proaspat vopsite, ca sa para preocupatzi de securitatea regionala 😀