Archive for March 16th, 2025

Sa cante muzica

KPMG a publicat recent un studiu interesant intitulat “Romanian Defense Market – Opportunities and Challenges“, descarcabil colea.


Unii malitiosi s-ar intreba probabil “Cu ce ocazie?“, avand in vedere ca nici unul din cei 4 “Consultanti” nu s-ar da jos din pat fara sa fie platit pentru asta deci intrebarea mai buna ar fi “Pentru cine e pusa muzica?“.
In nici un caz eu; eu condamn cu tarie asemenea opinii negative si vreau sa ofer doar feedback constructiv, cum se spune pa corporatie.


All aboard

Nu zic ca ar fi situatia noastra, dar cand vrei cel mai compact sistem AA integrat posibil, in caz ca trebuie sa inlocuiesti ceva gen SA-8:

Interesant e ca Israelul s-a cam codit sa introduca in dotare sistemul SPYDER, pozitionat traditional ca un produs de export. Asta pana acum. Cu cuvintele lor, via Jane’s:

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has confirmed that it has operationally deployed the Rafael SPYDER air-defence system during the war with Hamas and Lebanese group Hizbullah since October 2023.

“Prior to the war, the SPYDER system was not integrated due to the prioritisation of other interception means within the constraints of available resources,” the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit told Janes. “It was decided [during the war] to acquire the system in accordance with the urgent operational need, after an operational and professional analysis. The process of its integration was carried out in an orderly manner and with the approval of all relevant authorities.

Asadar, toate sistemele propuse in cadrul programului SHORAD/VSHORAD romanesc au acumulat experienta reala de lupta, cu o singura exceptie.