Desi ne-ar placea sa credem ca noi nu sintem balcanici, Balkan Investigative Reporting Network (BIRN) ne demonstreaza contrariul.
Recent a fost publicata o investigatie legata de achizitiile militare romanesti asupra carora planeaza unele suspiciuni.
Sau cu cuvintele lor:
A BIRN investigation finds evidence that systemic flaws in Romanian military procurement mean many local units are awarding big contracts to questionable companies, potentially compromising national defence.
In a country divided by distrust, the Romanian Armed Forces have long stood as a beacon of public confidence, with the army, along with the Church and NATO, the institutions that Romanians trust the most, according to an opinion poll.
But is the Armed Forces respecting the trust that citizens place in them by spending the funds wisely, efficiently and transparently? An investigation by BIRN has uncovered troubling patterns in how local military units have handled public contracts since the outbreak of the war in Ukraine. Significant sums have been funnelled to companies with questionable qualifications, ties to military personnel or even those previously implicated in criminal investigations.
Restul investigatiei poate fi citita aici.
Interesant e ca se citeaza articolul “Enabling Factors and Effects of Corruption in the Defense Sector“, scris de Todor Tagarev, care desi trateaza subiectul din perspectiva celor-mai-saraci-europeni-care-nu-sint-romanii-sac!, pare ca vorbeste pe limba vecinilor de la Nord de Dunare. Sa citim pa slavona: