Posts Tagged ‘dotare’

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Iata si Strategia Nationala pentru Industria de Aparare (2024-2030) in toata splendoarea sa:


Reactii, cum se zice acum.


Guest Post: Asa cum am fost, asa cum suntem

By Caudillo:

Dupa dezastrul din 1940 s-a incercat aflarea cauzelor dezastrului. Exista un “expozeu” al generalului Iosif Iacobici care mai lamureste lucrurile. Despre generalul Iacobici, a carui fotografie este mai sus, pot spune ca a indeplinit mai multe functii, printre care si cea de sef al Marelui Stat Major roman 22.09.1941- 20.01.1942 .

A avut niste divergente cu generalul Antonescu pe tema campaniei din est si a trebuit sa paraseasca functia de Sef  MStMaj.

Ca majoritatea criticilor lui Antonescu, a murit in inchisoare, la Aiud, in 11.03.1952.


D-asta n-a avut ursu’ coada

Si Romania, armament suficient.

Sursa: R.J. Overy, War and economy in the Third Reich. Oxford University Press, 1995 via

Guest Post: A-10 pentru Romania?

By Caudillo:

In 17.04.2024 a avut loc o audiere in Congresul SUA, HASC,  a oficialilor Pentagonului in legatura cu bugetul pe anul fiscal 2025

Defense officials testify before the House Armed Services Committee about the Department of the Air Force’s fiscal year 2025 budget. Testifying are: Secretary of the Air Force Frank Kendall III; Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David W. Allvin; and Space Force Chief of Space Operations Gen. Chance Saltzman.


Defense One a prezentat niste detalii interesante de la aceste audieri

“Despite previous calls from Ukraine for more attack aircraft, a top Pentagon official said the country isn’t interested in ex-U.S. Air Force A-10 Warthogs. 

“Ukraine hasn’t expressed much interest. I think they, rightfully, are concerned about their survivability,” Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall said during a House Armed Services Committee hearing Wednesday. 

After years of pushback from Congress, the Air Force has started to get rid of its half-century-old A-10s, which service officials say are too vulnerable to survive in modern conflict. But lawmakers have suggested that these aircraft could be sent to Ukraine, and some Ukrainian officials have signaled that A-10s could be useful. 

Kendall said he wasn’t aware of any “active interest.” 

“One country at least has expressed some interest, but the problem is once that aircraft goes out of the U.S. inventory, there won’t be any base support for it. So any country that picks it up and tries to sustain it would have a very hard time. It’s also a very old aircraft, about 45 years old. Replacement parts are very hard [to find],” he said. 

The secretary did not say which country is interested in the retired Warthogs “


Defense One se intreaba daca tara care ar putea fi interesata de A 10 ar putea fi Polonia sau Romania.
