By Caudillo:
Cand am vazut stirea din Politico ca germanii trebuie sa bage 50 de miliarde de euro in reparatia cazarmilor, am ramas surprins.Mai vazusem o problema asemanatoare la italieni. Un document sub semnatura generalului Salvatore Farina, Capo di stato maggiore dell’Esercito Italiano in perioada 2018-2021, prezenta situatia armatei italiene:
“ Today the Army has over 2,700 properties of various types, the majority dating back to the beginning of the 18th century and located in the historic centres of many towns and cities. The Army has begun the process of reducing its real estate, identifying 1,300 redundant properties to be returned to the State Property Agency. As today most of these properties still belong to the Army as the State administration only took back possession of those assets for which private organisations expressed their interest. This has exacerbated the maintenance and security burden. “
Mai apar si niste fotografii langa textul de mai sus, presupun ca sunt prezentate in ele proprietatile imobiliare ale armatei italiene, nu CAP-uri romanesti. Spun proprietati imobiliare, cazarme mi-e greu sa le consider.